balwadi is an Indian preschool run in rural areas for economically weaker section of the society either by government aur NGOs balwari can be defined as "a pre primary school ran economically but scientifically and using as many educational ideas as possible prepared from locally available material"
This was developed by tarabai modak and and the first balwadi was started in BURDI a coastal village in the district of Thane in Maharashtra by Nutan Bal Shikshan Sangh in 1945.
Modak was Pioneer in putting in effort for providing non formal education at preschool level in India.
Modak started to type of balwadi namely
1 Central balwadi and
2 Angan balwadi
The central balwadi function during regular School hour and are centrally located whereas anganbadi are located in the the neighborhood of the children targeted and have how was at their convenience.
• The village community manage the centre and provides a room and land for it.
• Free e midday meal are not provided in the bulberries instead parents are requested to send Tiffin lunch with their children which is then shared at the meal time this is in keeping with our policy of minimum Mani imports and sports the concept of self sufficiency in the village. Communities are motivated to grow cereals vegetables and fruits locally and support system is provided in the village The Sharing of food amongst the children helps to break down caste barrier among the children.
• The teacher usually a girl or a young woman of the village or of a nearby village in appointed by the village community.
• Environmental education activities are are given a a prominent place in the balwadi programme with the aim of helping the child related to his or her immediate environment.
• The balwadi teacher are mostly young and not highly educated often a teacher training course by participating in the balwadi program the gain confidence and develop with environmental awareness and acknowledgeable adults. They are motivated to to do socially useful work and de yaar instrumental in the the formation of women's group.
• In general the balwadi is a name of bringing about positive changes in Outlook and behaviour of all village residents.
Early childhood care and education is the foundation on which a child's future is built free school balwadi have been set up in communities and provide and atmosphere of joyful learning for 4 to 6 year olds and socialize the role of education in communities. The first six year are crucial for children because that is when their young mind develop and the acquire the the skill will see them through life. It is therefore essential that every child is provided with the opportunity of early stimulation and Rut in a preschool a child find the stimulation of new things new ideas and new concept something many disadvantage and deprived children in India seldom find at home
The word anganbadi means COURTYARD SHELTER. They were started by the Indian government in 1975 as part of the the integrated CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE PROGRAM to combat child hunger and malnutrition.
Atypical anganbadi Centre also provide basic Health Care in Indian villages it is a part of the the Indian public Healthcare system. Basic Health Care activities include contraceptive counselling and supply nutrition education and supplementation as well as preschool activities the centres are also used as deposit for oral rehydration salts basic medicine and contraceptives.
Anganbadi is drived for the Hindi word Angan which refers to the the the courtyard of the house. In rural areas Angan of the house is is seen as the heart of the house the significance that this part of the house enjoys is how the worker who works in an Angan and visits other Angan Tu perform Indispensiable duty of helping with health care issue among their things this is how they are known as the anganbadi workers they are after all the most important link between the rural poor and good health care.
The basic work of the Anganwadi workers is extremely important and needs to be carried out in the most efficient manner.
The need to provide care of newborn baby as well as ansure that all children below the age of 6 are immunized against tetanus. In addition to this the most also provide post natal care to nursing mothers.
Since day primary focus on polar and malnourished groups it becomes necessary to to provide supplementary nutrition to both children below the age of 6 as well as nursing and pregnant women.
The worker need to ensure that regular health and medical checkups of women and children are done they also see to it that they have easy access to these check UPS. The Anganwadi workers need to work towards providing preschool education to children who are between 3 to 5 year of age.
The responsibilities of the Anganwadi workers they are-
• Showing community support and active participation in executing the program.
• To conduct regular and quick survey of all the families.
• Organise preschool activities
• Provide health and nutritional education to the the families specially pregnant women
• Motivating families to adopt family planning measures.
• Educating parents about child growth and development
• Assist in the implementation and Exhibition of Kishori Shakti Yojana Tu to educate teenage girls and parents by organising Social awareness program excetra.
• Identifying disabilities in children.
• Anganwadi system is mainly managed by the anganbadi workers she is a health worker chosen from the the community and given four months training in health nutrition and child care.
• She is in charge of an anganbadi which covers a population of 1000 person. About 20 -25 anganbadi workers are supervised by a supervisor called mukhya sevika. 4 mukhya seVikas are ahead by a CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICER CDPO
• There are estimated 1.053 million Anganwadi centre employing 1.8 million mostly female workers and helpers across the country.
• The anganbadi worker provides other is Service to poor families in need of immunization health food clean water clean toilet and a learning environment for infants toddlers and please caller's they also provide similar service for expectant and nursing mother
• anganbadi are India's primary tool against the The scourges of child malnourishment infant mortality and curbing preventable diseases such as polio.
• In many ways the Anganwadi worker in better equipped then the professional doctor in in reaching out the rural population. Primarily since the the work lives with the people she is in a better position to identify the cause of various health problem and hence counter them.
The anganbadi worker are well aware of the ways of the people are comfortable with the the language know the rural folk personally extra which make it easy for them to figure out the problems being faced by the people and ensure that this problem are solved
Anganbadi staff by officers and their helpers who are typically women from poor families. The workers do not have permanent job with comprehensive retirement benefits like other government staff they all Indian anganbadi workers Federation and other anganbadi workers are are protesting and public debates are going on there are are periodic reports of of corruption and crimes against women in some anganbadi centre
Since quite a long time discussion has been going on regarding the salaries of the workers and the helpers finally in this budget speech the the then Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee for the financial year 2011-12 increased the salary of the Anganwadi workers to rupees 5000 per month and help us to 1500 per month.
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