Thursday, 11 February 2021

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in English

 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan is Government of India's flagship program for achievement of universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a a time bound manner as mandate bye 86th ammendment to the the constitution of India making free and compulsory education to the children between the age group of 6 to 14 years a fundamental right
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan SSA is is being implemented in in partnership with State government to cover the entire country e e and adress the need of 194 milian childrens

What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan?
• A program with a a clear time frame for Universal elementary education.
• Response to the demand for quality basic education all over the country.
• An opportunity for promoting Social Justice through basic education.
• An effort at effectively involving the Panchayati Raj Institute. School management Committee e-village and urban slum level education committee parents teachers and mother teacher associate and other basic level structures.
• And expression of political will for Universal elementary education across the the country.
• A partnership between the central state and the local government.
• An opportunity for States to develop their own vision of elementary education

Basic features of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is an referred to universalise elementary education bye bhai community e ownership of the School system. It is a a response to the demand for quality basic education all over the country this program is also and attempt to provide an opportunity for improving human capability to all children through provision of community owned quality education in a mission mode.

Objectives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
1. Open new school in area which do not have them and to to expand existing School infrastructure.
2. Address inadequate teacher numbers and provide training for existing teachers.
3. Provide quality elementary education including life skill with a special focus on the education for girls and children's with special needs.
4. By 2005 all children in the age group of 6 to 14 year are to be enrolled in a school alternative schooling Centre or in back to school camp.
5. Why 2007 all children's in the age group of 6 to 14 year year are to complete 5 years of primary education.
6. Buy 2010 all children in the age group of 6 to 14 year to complete 8 year of elementary education.
7. Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality with emphasis on education for life.
8. Bridge all Gender and social gaps at primary e stage by 2007 and at elementary education level by 2010
9. Bhai 2010 universal retention.

Aims of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

• The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in age group of 6 to 14 nearby 2010.
• Useful and relevant education signifies quest for an education system that is not alienating and community solidarity. Its aim is 2 allowed children to learn about and master their natural environment in a manner that allows the the fullest harnessing of their human potential both spiritually and materially . This quest most also be a process of value based learning that allows children and opportunity to work for each other well being rather than to permit mere selfish pursuits
• Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan realizese the importance of early childhood care and education and a Continuum

Frame work and program

A Framework is needed to to formulate context specific guidelines within the overall framework it provides a wide convergent Framework for implementation of Elementary Education scheme. It encourages district in states and union territories to reflect local speciality. The objectives and expressed nationality  through it is expected that various districts and states are likely to achieve universalization in in their own respective context and in their own time frame 2010 is the the outer limit for such achievements.
The emphasis is on mainstreaming out of school children through deserve strategies as far as possible and on providing 8 year of schooling for all children in 6 to 14 year of age to promote local need based planning which is based on board national policy norms. The thrust is on bridging of Gender and social gaps and a total  retention of all children in school. Within this Framework it is expected that the education system will be made relevant so that children and parents find the the cooling system useful and absorbing according to to their nature and social environment.


Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan is also programme with budget provision for strengthening Vital areas to achieve universalization of elementary education. While all investment in the elementary education sector from the the the state and Central plants will reflect as part of the SSA framework they will merge into the SSA programme within the next few years. As a programme it reflects the additional resource provisions for Universal elementary education.

Financial norms under SSA
The assistance under the program of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will be on a 85: 15 sharing management during ninth plan 75 :25 sharing arrangement during 10th plan and 50 : 50 sharing thereafter between the central government and the state government.

Improvement of school facilities and other Civil works
Community participation should be the only e means of undertaking any Civil works in in improvement of school facilities. The SSA would first off of all try to mobilize resource under Rural Employment program and other development scheme for contracting School buildings. The humanity would have to come forward to maintain School facility if any investment is processed in village. The annual support to the community for repair and maintenance is under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan the upper  ceiling is rupees 5000 per year based on the actual needs and willingness of the community to contribute. The participation of the community in all civil work activity will be mandatory in order to ensure a sense of of ownership and a departure from contractor driven approaches. Engagement of contractor will not be allowed under the SSA. The school management communities oblique villages education committee Gram Panchayat committee e on education will have to carry out the civil work activities through a transparent system of account keeping these will be mandatory in all SSA districts

Board strategies to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
1. Institutional reforms in order to improve the the efficiency of the the delivery system the central and the state government will have to adopt various reforms resumes. This should include educational administration evolution and achievement in schools Finance decentralization and community e worship review of state Education Act teacher development and requirement of teachers girl education st and ST SC and disadvantage groups policy regarding private school and early childhood Care Education.
2.  Finance Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is based on the promise that financing of elementary education intervention has to be sustainable AL. It require long-term perspective on financial partnership between the the central and the state government
3. Institutional capacity building Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan conceives a a major capacity building role of national stage and district level
4. Community ownership the program calls of community ownership of school based interventions throat effective decentralization. This will be augmented bye involvement of women's groups and members of Panchayati Raj institution.
5. Community base monitoring with full transparency the the programme will have a community based monitoring system the educational management information system EMIS will correlate school level chart with Patti based information from micro planning and surveys. besides this every school will be increased to share all information with the community including the the Grant's received. And notice board will be put up in every school for the purpose.
6. Improving mainstream educational administration it calls for improvement of mainstream educational Administration by institutional development in fusion of new approaches and bi adoption of cost-effective and efficient method.
7. Improvement in quality improvement in quality require a sustainable support system of resource person and institution.
8. Accountability to community Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan envisages cooperation and effective involvement between the Panchayati Raj institution School Management Committee villages and urban slum level education committee parents teachers association mother teacher Association tribal autonomous councils and other grassroot level structures in the management of Elementary School.
9. Priority to education of girls education of girls especially those belonging to the SC and ST minority groups will be one of the principal concern in service Shiksha Abhiyan
10. Focus on special groups there will be from on the inclusion and participation of children from SC ST minority groups urban deprived children disadvantaged groups and the children with special needs.
11. Project phase Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will commence throughout the country with a well planned tree project phases that provide for a large number of interventions for capacity development to improve the delivery and monitoring system full stop is including provisions of household surveys community based micro planning and school mapping training of community leaders school level activities support for sitting up information system office equipment Diagnostic studies.
12. Thrust on  quality Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan lays a special thrust on making education useful at the elementary level and relievant for children by improving the curriculum child centred activities and effective teaching learning strategies.
13. Role of teachers Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan recognise the central role of teachers and focus on their development needs fullstop requirement of qualified teachers providing opportunities for teachers development throat through participation in curriculum related material development focus on classroom process and exposure visits for teachers are all all designed to develop the human resource among teachers.
14. District elementary education plan each district will prepare a district elementary education plan reflecting all the the investment being made and required in the elementary education sector. There will be a prospective plan that will Al give a framework of activities over a longer time frame to achieve Universal elementary education there will also be and annual work frame and budget that will list the prioritized activities to be carried out in that year.

Role of Non governmental Organisation in SSA
Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan conceive a vibrant partnership with non government Organisation in the area of capacity building both in communities and resource institution. These partnerships will required nurturing  through ongoing partnership in activities. The research evolution monitoring activities under the SSA is is proposed to be done in partnership with institution angios. This this would improve transparency of program intervention and would also increase a more open assessment of achievements full stop in the education sector non government organisation have been making very meaningful contribution example Al work related to pedagogy mainstreaming of school children developing effective teacher training programs organising the the community for capacity development for planning and implementation expressing gender concerns work in the the sphere of disability among children's are some of the example
• Through direct funding by central and state government
• Trough funding activities bye identified National and state resource institution
• Through  participation in community activities funded by village education community.

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